
hi, i'm kristin. i'm a girl in my 20's and living with the guy of my dreams and my entirely-too-smart-dog, hannelore (hanners for short), in a not-so-gigantic town near charlotte, nc. my boyfriend and i are planning on getting engaged in the somewhat near future, but we're doing this whole engagement/marriage thing on our own terms. i'm starting to settle down and grow roots and i invite you to come along for the ride.

this is a blog about how a real girl tries to pull it all together: beauty, diy, life hacks, etc. it's nothing terribly fancy, but it's my life. there will be bumps in the road, i will have the universe knock me on my butt, and that's okay. that's how it's supposed to be. it keeps people humble. i hope that this blog helps people. it may seem cliche, but if i can help someone else through their "bump", then it gives me something to hold on to when i'm not exactly on top of the world. so, i'll be teaching you how to refinish furniture (for when the bank account says no to new), make your skin and hair glow (for when those salon products are maybe just out of reach or for when you're struggling to feel beautiful), laugh at yourself (i mean, seriously, it kind of feels good to laugh at yourself sometimes, right?), and a whole lot more. so, maybe i can help point you to perfect. that's my goal anyway. enjoy!

until next time